Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas from us to you!

With our warmest regards,

Ryan & Fancy

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Snapshots: December 2012

Apparently, mister b. and I have been consumed with others things {school, work, holiday festivities/duties, and life in general} so it's been a while since we've been on here.  Gomenasai.

I have two more days before my two week winter break begins and I cannot wait!  Two whole weeks without assignments and deadlines to worry about -- I'm ecstatic!  I'll definitely be carpe-ing the diem during my last weeks in my twenty-great {28th} year of life.  Oye vey!

So, what have we been up to?  For those of you who don't follow us on our Instagram, here's a peek of what December has consisted of.

A majority of our Christmas shopping was done really early this year and online, but of course, there's still that one or two that we need to get this week and then, we'll be all good.  Less stress in the gift department this year, woo-hoo!

&&& we are currently working on a DIY project that we will soon be sharing on here {see first picture in picture}.  We will also be cooking and baking some rich and delicious goodies and hopefully, we'll be able to share them IF they turn out to our liking.

That pretty much sums up everything.  I hope that you {the few readers we have} are in good spirits and are cherishing your loved ones a little more and hugging them a little tighter.  Until the next blog, ciao!

miss b.