Last night, the baby sister and I were doing our usual on a Wednesday night, laying on the couch watching One Tree Hill. She was laying on me asking me questions. Three years ago, we were doing the same exact thing, except we were in my room and I was the one balling and hurt while watching One Tree Hill because I swear to goodness all the episodes from season 5 were about me and the ex.
"When does the pain go away?" When you start not giving a damn for the other person. This is usually months after your gal pals tell you to rage and have fun. That's usually when you get your groove back and begin to eye fuck yourself and focus on how beautiful and fabulous you are. It definitely takes a while to get into the groove of living for yourself when you've been in a relationship, especially a LDR, but you'll get there. Trust.
"He wasn't good enough for you." Yes, your awesome friends are gonna tell you that. &&& yes, we know that to be true, but don't let that statement get to your head even though you know you're a good catch and you can't fathom why this shit is happening to you. Instead of thinking or saying he wasn't good enough for you, drop the "enough" because at the end of all this, you'll realize that he just wasn't good for you.
As cliche as it sounds, you'll be better in time. &&& trust me, you'll be much happier than before. &&& you know this because you've witness me at my worst and you're seeing me at my best to date. Just remember, life's too short to give all of your love to someone without being able to say, in your lifetime that you were able to love yourself first. It's a new and unfamiliar path, but it's a necessary one because everything happens for a reason. I truly believe that.
miss b.